Coachsurfers, Crossfitters, and Coincidences

I attended the coachsurfer meeting again for the second time. This is really a great way to meet people as there are some new faces every week and some returning ones as well. This time however there was an American traveler in the group named Mike. I asked Mike about his travels and almost immediately he mentioned that he is traveling while working on a business idea that has to do with CrossFit. Obviously the CrossFit nerd that I am got excited and we realized we both had attended the same CrossFit here in Ljubljana. Then I remembered he had said he was from Cincinnati and my friend Jeff back home in Encinitas is also from Cincinnati and is a CrossFitter… turns out they know each other! What are the odds?! I always look at coincidences like this as a sign and so I was excited to learn more about Mike. Before the night was done we made plans to go to the same CrossFit class the next day.

So far I’m really liking the classes I’ve attended at CrossFit Plamen. Twice a week there is the option of doing a two hour strength class which focuses on either powerlifting or olympic lifting. I decided to give it a try. I was given a partner and a customized workout. Mine was as follows:

3×3 Deadlift (60kg, 70kg, 70kg)

5×3 Back Squat (45kg, 45kg, 50kg)

4×6 Good Mornings (25kg, 30kg, 35kg, 40kg)

7×2 Jump Squat (20kg)

3x Max rep deadhang pullups (6, 5, 4)

3x 1min planks

After class Mike and I walked back into town and picked out a restaurant with tradtional Slovenian food. We both decided to be adventurous and so we ordered the Game plate. The translation said Venison, Wild Boar, and Stag (at the time I was thinking stag was horse because its not uncommon here but have since learned a stag is a male deer…which i’m not sure why we got two versions of deer). The dish was good but I wasn’t floored by it. Each meat had a sauce on it that kind of drowned out the taste of the meat anyway. I’m looking forward to trying traditional food again but at a restaurant that’s come recommended and isn’t touristy.

So far the best part about being here has been meeting so many new people and all the interesting conversations I’ve had. I think CrossFit and Traveling seem to have something in common; a sense of community. When you have a common interest it makes conversations so much more comfortable and enjoyable.


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